A Day With Chris Teo

Research on effectiveness of herbs and alternative therapies for cancer

Treating This Rare Cancer with Cordyceps? Cruel joke!

Hi Dr. Chris,

My name is J. My mum is diagnosed with “mucinous adenocarcinoma with pseudomyxoma peritonei”, a term I copy directly from the histopathology report dated 5 March 2015 after her laparoscopy. My mum has declined the chemo treatment. From June 2015 to Mar 2016, I brought her to seek treatment from a naturopathic in Malacca who claimed he was confident to treat my mum’s case.  Unfortunately, the treatment was not effective.  He prescribed cordyceps for my mum which I later learnt from my church member that cancer patients should not take this herb. Then, we stopped going back.

During these six months from April to August 2016, I put her on alkaline water and juicing and 4 months on coffee enema. However, her overall and anemic condition worsened. Two weeks ago, she passed out blood causing haemoglobin dropped till 6.5 and two pints of blood were transfused immediately after admission to Selayang Hospital. Before discharged, doctor gave another pint because the haemoglobin went up to 9.7 at first and came down to 8.7 later.

She is at home now. Stomach is bloated, no appetite, fatigue and no strength. We have been crying to God to make a way for us. Apparently, no one truly knows how to treat this type of cancer. Yesterday, I found your website showing you treated a similar case for a patient called Lam in September 2012 and there was great improvement.

I seek your kindness to look at my mother case and hope it is never too late to find you. Please find all her reports as attached. If there is a chance, what will be the best time for us to come to Penang from KL ?  I need to arrange someone to take care my OKU sister and a 11 years old boy. May I also know what will be the cost incur when we come for the treatment.

Warmest regards.

Reply:  Come and see me in Penang. This is a rare type of cancer. This is the 3rd case I have seen so far. Whoever claims you that he can cure this cancer is not telling you the truth! Before you come, take note that I cannot cure any cancer — and I also believe no one of earth can cure any cancer. We can just try to do our best.





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