A Day With Chris Teo

Research on effectiveness of herbs and alternative therapies for cancer

Archive for the category “Leukemia”

Failed Medical Treatment for Leukemia

Dear Dr Chris,

Good day.

I called your centre this morning, Mr K advised me to write an email to you.

I am writing this email to seek for an appointment with you on behalf of my nephew.

We are based in KL. Currently he is admitted to A Hospital for treatment.

My nephew – is 27 years old. Diagnosed with Leukemia around end 2014. He has gone through cycles of chemotherapy. He was responding ok to the chemotherapies. We found a matching bone marrow donor and he did his stem cell transplant August 2015. He was recovering and showing positive signs for 5 months.

Then the leukaemia cells was discovered again in end January 2016.

Subsequently, he was administered with 3 cycle of chemotherapy with the new drug – Vidaza. His condition deteriorated. And his liver and lungs were affected quite badly. He is having jaundice since end May. The alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test showed very high scoring at 500+ point at a time. It was up and down. Today’s reading is about 129.

I have attached the latest reading for your reference.

We have decided to stop chemotherapy. But 2 weeks back his white blood cell shot up to 68, hospital have to use mild chemo to bring it down again. The hospital says that he is unable to produce any healthy blood cells at the moment. Platelet and haemoglobin are always low. And his white blood keeps increasing.

The past 3 days, he was in a state of incoherence. He refused to sleep for 3 days. He was non communicative and non responsive. Acting like a child. He was drifted in and out. Finally after a night sleep, he appeared to be emotionally more stable. Hospital did a CT Scan for him and mentioned that there were tiny blood clots in his brain that gave tiny seizure that resulting him zoning in out.

I understand that you don’t do email consultation. Now he needs to have blood transfusion almost every 2 days and still quite weak, so we can’t bring him to see you.

Will it be possible for me to bring his report to see you? Hospital doesn’t release all the reports to us. Could you let me know what are the reports you require? Kindly let me know when it will be convenient to make an appointment with you. Thank you in advance. Have a magnificent day.  

Reply: I really don’t know what I can do — after all, the doctors have done everything and failed. I cannot cure any cancer. If someone takes my herbs at this point and dies — they will blame the herbs. I am sorry, I cannot help.

Dear Dr Chris,

Thank you for your prompt reply.

You mentioned in your website that most of the patients who look for you are usually quite severe.

I wish I would have known about you earlier.  We totally understand and take responsible for all the decision we made in his healing process.

We are hoping that with your holistic approach, we will have proper guidance in taking herbs and diet.

Our family believes in herbs, the problem is like many of the Chinese family we do not know what’s the right prescription and combination which is detrimental in any kind of medication.

I really like your scientific and systematic way of approaches to help people heal through herbs.

My nephew is a very positive and live quite healthily even prior to this.

Could you reconsider?

Reply: Yes, I understand. You can come and see me with all the medical reports / scans — Monday to Friday at 11 a.m.



Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia from Indonesia

Dear dr.chris

I’m A from Indonesia. I really hope that by sending this message, I can find the best solution dealing with Acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

My dad (52 y.o) was diagnosed for having aplastic anemia on march 2015 after the doctor did Bone marrow punction (BMP). He got some blood and trombocyte transfusion on that day and he had to stay in the hospital for two weeks. After that, doctor gave him medicine and the condition was getting better. But on June, his trombocyte became only 16 and again he needed to stay at the hospital. Doctor did the BMP again (actually we were really afraid of the effect of doing BMP more than once).

From the result, doctor said that my dad positively had acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He said that there were two options to treat my dad. The first one was bone marrow transplantation that can only be done in singapore, but it actually needs a lot of money. The second one was chemotherapy, but doctor could not give guarantee for the result, and my dad also  totally  rejects for having this chemotherapy.

We, all the family, really hope for the solution you gave. For additional information, right now my dad is hospitalized. At first his leucocyte increases into 53.900.and the trombocyte only 10.000, so I tried to give him medicine made from herbs called typhonium plus and sarang semut. Actually for me, the result is pretty confusing.

After he got aphaeresis transfusion, the trombocyte increases into 31.000, leucocyte decreased into 37.000,and the HB also decreased into 6. Thus, doctor gave him blood transfusion to increase the HB. But the result was confusing since the leucocyte level decreased into 17.000, but the trombocyte turns into 5.000.

We, all the family, really hope for the solution you gave. Is there any alternative medicine (like herbs) that is pretty effective to deal with this leukemia you provided? If there is so, how can I get this medicine? Since my dad is not in a good condition to go abroad, how can we do the consultation?

I attached some medical reports that might be used for you as reference.

I really wait to hear from you soon. Thank you.



Leukemia from Norway


I have a friend who got leukemia (AML-M7) 9 months ago. After following rounds of chemotherapy and allogeneic stem cell transplantation, she relapsed in January this year. After a second attempt, she got the message that there is no more treatment for her in Norway. I hope that you can help us, and maybe have anything to offer? Is there any experimental treatment that is possible to get access to?
Kind regards.

Reply: I am sorry I cannot help people from faraway places.

Lymphoma Turned into Leukemia after Chemo?

Dear Dr Chris,

My sister is getting weak, any possibility to see you earlier then Friday?

Reply: Where are you from? What is the problem? Chris

Dr Chris,

I am from Penang and get to know you through a friend who one of her friend happened to be seeing you before. She was initially diagnosed with lymphoma at the stomach – 6 inches around Aug last year (2012). Going through the chemo process and RT, the Dr say the lymphoma mutated and it is leukemia right now and there is no further treatment the Dr can offer.

I can offer more details once we meet. Thank you for your time and looking forward to hear from you.

Reply: You are from Penang. I don’t think you need to write email. Come and see me. Also please note that I cannot cure any cancer, especially she was been messed her up. Chris

Totally understand your message. I know but we still haven’t give up on her and will go along the way as long as we see hope. I am just wonder any possibility to see you any earlier otherwise we will drop by on Friday.Thank you


CML: Can you help BUT on my own terms?

Hi Master Chris,

A very good day to you. I am from Kuala Lumpur. My husband (47yrs) is having this ‘CML stage 1 (chronic myloid leukemia) since last year Aug’12. Since Sept’12 till now ( 6 months ) he has been taking this meds (nilotinib) and every months he has to go back to the hospital to take his blood test.

After taking nilotinib his white blood cell have gone back to the normal range. He only got slight side effect which may be due to the meds such as morning flu and rashes on the body and his head got a few small dots. Once his leg got swollen “gout” and now he has to control his diet. Sometimes he has difficulty  breathing and was told by his previous dr that his liver is not so good.

He does not take any Chinese herbs b’cos his dr told him not to cos it might affect the effectiveness of the meds.

Besides all these minor side effect he is doing okay.

Now and as usual he is still working and often travel overseas every week (this is his nature of work).

Every day he is taking (nilotinib) twice a day and foods 2 hrs before and after meds (means 4pm onwards do not take food = then 6pm eat meds = after 2hrs 8pm onwards can eat)

* 2 capsules ( 2 @ 150mg = 300mg ) in the morning (6am)

* 2 capsules ( 2 @ 150mg = 300mg ) in the evening (6pm)

According to his dr he has to take this meds whole life or until remission. I have been having sleepless nights searching the internet for solutions and have been thinking that my husband needs to built up his immune systems to heal himself rather than controlling it and this is how I stumble on your website.

So master Chris could you help or advice us? He can only take your herbs by capsules/tablets only (due to his nature of work). Thank you so much for your time. May God Bless You Master Chris! Regards, 

Reply: It is very hard to help if you / he wants healing on his own terms. It is just not possible. I am sorry I cannot help. Why don’t you just continue with your doctor? Chris

Lymphoma Turned Leukemia?

8 November 2012

Hi Dr Chris,

I am writing this email to you on my dad case. He is 63 years, Chinese.

Let me simply tell you my dad history. Starting from this year April (2012), my dad had show sickness on sore throat problem for past few months and show the left neck lymph node swollen.

He had went to general hospital and has been told is lymph node infection. He is coming to Singapore for a second opinion on early Aug . A lymph node biopsy was done and was shown angioimmunoblastic T cell lymphoma and the bone marrow was also performed showed affected.

As a result diagnosis of stage 4 angioimmunoblastic T cell lymphoma. Due to his condition sudden turn into worse at the point that time, he was unable to swallow at all and the bone was everyday painful and having difficulty walking. In the end, he was started his first chemo treatment at here.

At end of October doctor noted that the WBC bounced back very fast at the same time, they proceeded with bone marrow biospy & flowcytometry test again. This time the finding is showing the development of Acute Myeloid leukimia (AML). In their summary, they concluded he is having angioimmunoblastic T cell lymphoma and Acute Myeloid leukimia.

He had a long stay at hospital due to various infections and  until today s finally was discharged with left groin wound. Also my dad decided to drop off the chemotherapy, therefore we are come to you. We will bring down all the medical history reports to present on our appointment date with you.

Due to timing is crucial, we’re hoping you can render helps to us and direct us to correct pathway on this illness. We are seeking your kindness and give us a chance to fix appointment with you.

God bless.

9 November 2012

By the way, my dad having low hemoglobin, low platelet & high WBC. Kindly advise me what should I do to increase hb and platelet. Thanks you.

14 November 2012

Chris,We are having problem here. My father been hospitalised again we have not started the herbs.

Leukemia – side effects of chemo

Dear Dr Chris,

I happen to come to know your contact thru my wife’s sister friend recently.  My wife was diagnosed with leukemia on 01 Mar 2012 and since then she had been undergoing chemo treatment in the hospital. Currently she is under stable condition with another 03 to 04 more months chemo treatment to go before it ends. As usual, the side effect from chemo is making her suffer each time and we heard your herbs treatment and thought it would be of help while she is doing her chemo.

As we are staying in KL, would like to seek your advice should we come over to visit you in Penang or what would be the other alternative ways. We sincerely hope that you could help us.

God blessed you, J

Acute Leukemia from Bandung

Dear Chris,

I will introduce my self before I have few question to you. I’m Ivan from Batam – Indonesia, I have one young brother 37 years old and he sick with leukemia stadium AKUT now. His thrombocyte today is 19k but normal is 150k.  He has headache now and go to hospital in Bandung – Indonesia but doctor said… it’s dangerous. I heard from Ms Priscilia ( Immanuel Church – BATAM ) that we can discuss with Cancer Care about this disease. Do you have any suggestion or medicine herbal for Leukemia? Thank you very much for your attention.

Reply: Go and get the doctor to transfuse blood into him because that is dangerous…and he is in Bandung? Call Pak Teddy in Jakarta and we have herbs for Acute Leukemia.

Leukemia: Let the doctors repair the damage

Hi Chris

I’m C. here and from Kuala Lumpur.  I’ve been following your website and I really respect and praise your work over the years.  In fact, I bought some of your books from bookshop and I really learnt a lot.  Knowledge is power.

Recently my brother in law is admitted to hospital due to cancer and the oncologist prescribed him
“Chlorambucil (Leukaran)” and he is now suffering from chills/fever after taking this drug.  Chris, I
just need some advice on how to reduce the side effect of this drug.  Anything from this list (mushrooms, maitake, wheat grass, tumeric, beta glucan, chlorophyll, vitamins, spirulina, chorella ) can lessen the side effect?

Your advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Reply:  Thanks for your email. Sorry for this late reply. I was away in Laos and just came back last night. Re your brother-in-law – let the doctors take care of him. They know what they gave him and they should be able to repair the damage that they cause. It is not right for me to interfere and stick my neck out — at the end of the day, if anything goes wrong they will say it is all because of the herbs.


Myelodysplastic Syndrome from Singapore

Dr Chris,

I am writing on behalf of a neighbour of mine who is suffering from a type of cancer that I have never heard of until now. It is called Myelodysplastic Syndrome (with AML transformation). He went on a clinical trial treatment using a drug called Debcitabine.

He has gone for 5 cycles of the drug now and due for 1 last one in Nov. His name is D.

D seems to be responding to this treatment because his blood count has gone back to normal. Only problem is this is only short term as the root cause of the problem is in his bone marrow. His doctor is recommending that he goes for a bone marrow transplant after this which will cost him SG $40,000. The current treatment would have cost him SG$ 48,000 but since he does not have money, they offered him for free. Apparently in Singapore past clinical trial using this drug, only 1 out of 20 responded positively to this drug. In this trial, he is the only ‘rat’ and seems to work on him.

He does not wish to go for the bone marrow transplant because he does not have the money and doctor told him the procedure is very risky and he may die during the process. So he called me and I am writing to you.

From talking to D, I think he has poisoned his body from his past occupation working with chemicals in pest control etc. which may be the cause of MDS.

I am checking your availability this week and next week so I can bring him to see you. He is still week but at least he can walk now. The last time I saw him 4 months ago, he was in terrible shape. He is also suffering from psoriasis which was how they discovered his MDS during the psoriasis treatment.



Leukemia – who is playing god?

Dear Dr. Chris,

Will you be available this Friday (23rd Sept)? I’m planning to go to your cancer center in Penang regarding my sickness. My leukemia relapsed very recently and doctor told me I probably have under 6months to live if I choose not to have anymore chemotherapy. And he said further chemotherapy can only buy me some time unless I have bone marrow transplant.

Looking forward to your reply.

Terminal Leukemia from Jakarta

Dear Mr. Chris,

I am Eltien from Jakarta Indonesia. I would like to ask your advice about my father cancer. My father is 63 yrs. And Singapore doctor claims that my father has Acute Myeloid Leukemia (only 3 to 6 month life). My dad blood condition is Hb 7.7 , leukosit 1500, and trombo 200. Is my dad condition could be cure? Does it possible for my dad to fly to  Penang.

I will be much appreciate for ur advice. If possible I plan to fly to Penang on Thursday. Please reply me.

Reply: You can come and see me on Friday morning at 10.30 am.I am going to be in KL before that. Bring all the medical reports. If you cannot , write to Pak Teddy in Jakarta. Go to www.cancercareindonesia.com and you get his phone number.


Dear Mr. Chris,
I couldn’t bring my dad on this Friday to see u. Since my dad had to do the blood transfusion to increase the Hb. I will contact u as my dad hb increase and ask for another appointment with you. Thank you for your attention Mr Chris.


Leukemia from Indonesia: Relapse After BMT

I write this email to you in order to seek your suggestion regarding my wife’s illness.

My wife had been diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) type M5 in late December 2005. I brought her to Singapore General Hospital (SGH) on 1 January 2006 for further management and chemotherapy. She had 3 cycles of chemotherapies in the first 3 months. Later she underwent a Bone Marrow Transplant procedure (BMT) in late April 2006 until mid May 2006. But unfortunately, on the 75th day after BMT, the leukemia cell relapsed. After that my wife had another cycle of chemotherapy and also received donor lymphocytes.

Due to financial consideration, I moved my wife for further treatment to Malaysia in mid August 2006. She was admitted into the Subang Jaya Medical Center (SJMC) until today. At SJMC she got another cycle of chemotherapy and received another donor stem cell on 12 August 2006.

But a week ago the leukemia cells were shown to be active again and they developed quickly before donor stem cells even could work. Five days ago my wife had another cycle of chemotherapy in order to reduce the white blood cell count.

I would like to find possible therapy and treatments that will be suitable for my wife. My wife and I are Indonesians. Within the next few days, I must make a decision whether to bring back my wife home to Jakarta or stay in Malaysia. I really need your help.


Can Herbs Help in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia?

Dear Dr. Chris,
I’m F. Ii want ask your help for my auntie. She is 43 years old. She had chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) since 3 years ago. She knew it from health screening at Mahkota Medical Center in Melaka. First time, her white blood cells (WBC) was 184.000/uL, her lymphocyte was 84 %. She had no symptoms.

The doctor asked her to take chemotherapy with chlorambucil (Leukeran). Then she go to Singapore and Jakarta to have second opinions. The doctors gave the same opinion. They said there’s no therapy that can totally heal CLL. Chemotherapy only can diminish the side effect of high WBC and high lymphocyte. She had taken chemotherapy for this 3 years. Now her WBC is 30.000/uL and her lymphocyte is 91%. She doesn’t have any symptoms. She only has anemia and sometimes feel dizziness. Do you have any treatment to heal her CLL? Can you help her?

I live in Riau, a province in Indonesia, near Malaysia. I’m a doctor, general practitioner. I have read many literature and text books. There’s no treatment that can heal Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in western medicine. If doctor can help, my auntie will go to Penang next month. Thanks for your attention.

Reply: You are right doc., no cure for CLL … but herbs may help. It is up to your untie Doc. She can come and see me. We take care of leukemia patients. Go into my website or go to this link:


Pak Jam just came to see me last week. His wife is still alive. But of course, I cannot promise. . I shall do my best.

From Norway: Her Leukemia Came Back Again

Dear Dr. Chris K H Teo,
My name is JMS. I am originally Indonesian but I live in Norway with my family.
In May 2008 I was pregnant for 5 months and got Acute myelogenous leukemia.  Mid June 2008 the pregnancy was aborted, so that chemotherapy treatments could start.  I had 5 chemotherapy treatments.
By the end of November 2008 I was finished with all the chemotherapy treatments and declared free from leukemia.
I am now pregnant again, 27 weeks on the way.  Last Friday (October 1, 2010) the doctor took bone marrow test and confirmed that I have got a relapse of the leukemia.  They plan to wait until my pregnancy is 28 weeks (on October 11, 2010) and they will take out the baby by caesarean operation. Then they will start with 2 treatments of chemotherapy and the bone marrow transplantation.
From previous experiences I know the chemotherapy treatments are extremely hard on my body.  I also heard that bone marrow transplantation is an extremely high risk operation.
I heard you have helped many people so that they are cured from cancer, without chemotherapy and transplantation. I would highly appreciate your advice if there is anything else I can do in this desperate situation?  Best regards.

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