A Day With Chris Teo

Research on effectiveness of herbs and alternative therapies for cancer


In obedience to God’s will and counting on His mercies and blessings, and driven by the desire to care for one another, we seek to provide help, direction and relief to those who suffer from cancer.

When you are told that your have no hope and to be prepared for your imminent death, we believe that there is still hope. We join you in this last battle of your life. We shall carry out our task in good faith and to the very best as humanly possible with no regards to material rewards, race, religion or social status.

One thought on “About

  1. Hi Dr Teo,

    I’m Jeffri Iskandar from Medan, North Sumatra-Indonesia. My 54 years old mother coughing up blood a few weeks a go and sent to the hospital 2 weeks ago. She got a pretty bad cough with sputum and pain in his chest. FYI, she also has asthma since she was a child.

    After a ct scan, an internist doctor told me that she may has a lung tumor and the doctor ask his collegue, a pulmonary doctor to make sure. Then, a test was made on my mother sputum. No result until now although it already took 10 days.

    If you don’t mind, please let me know your email address so I will send you the diagnosis or medical record of my mother. I want to know your comment and I will take my mother to see you soon (please also tell me, where I could meet you in Penang and the hospital as well).

    Looking forward for your reply.

    Thank you
    Jeffri Iskandar

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