A Day With Chris Teo

Research on effectiveness of herbs and alternative therapies for cancer

Archive for the tag “entrometriod carcinoma”

Endometriod Cancer

Dear Dr. Teo,

I’ am 32 single lady and had been diagnosed with endometriod adenocarcinoma .  I had an operation on 12 July 2012 and they had removed the right ovary and a tumor, which initially was informed a cyst.

The biopsy came out and was diagnosed with the above cancer and was inform it had spread to the left ovary.  As a result, I need to go through another radical operation this 2 weeks before the chemo.

I hope that you will be kind enough to meet up with me for any other solution to cure it tomorrow as I can travel from Perak to come over to meet Dr. Teo.

I will be doing CT scan tomorrow morning, and wish that you are able to meet me tomorrow evening.


Note: I only see patients on Fridays or Sundays – more details see www.cacare.com

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